Jake Medley
This month’s employee spotlight features Jake Medley, our newest Red Seal Machinist at Rainhouse. We cannot be more proud to have been there through his apprenticeship and the journey to becoming certified. It was a delight to support him and see his modesty, openness to advice, and hard work to learn and perfect parts. Jake has an outgoing and funny personality, he is always ready to ask questions and understand more about the trade.
We asked Jake a few questions to get to know him better, and here is what he had to say.
What do you do at Rainhouse?
As a machinist, I am responsible for cutting stock materials to size, setting up jobs in the machines, programming tool paths, and ensuring all parts match the specified requirements and dimensions customers provided.
What do you enjoy most about working at Rainhouse?
It’s fascinating to me to see the manufacturing process from start to finish and all the different obstacles we as manufacturers face. So, my favourite part of working at Rainhouse is the challenges we encounter whenever we create a new part.
What is your favourite aspect of CNC machining?
My favourite phase of creating parts is the troubleshooting process. I find it fascinating when an issue arises, and it’s up to us as machinists to plug and play all the different techniques we’ve learned to overcome the issue at hand. It also helps to have dependable co-workers who have been longer in the trade and are always willing to help.
What is something most people do not know about you?
Something that most people don’t know about me is my aspiration for creativity; I am enthralled with the creative process from concept to product, not only in the manufacturing setting but also in the arts.
What is the ONE THING you cannot live without?
I couldn’t live without the people closest to me, their constant support and exchange of ideas. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like without them, as they are crucial to who I am. Oh, and my music library.